
What's our shared future in BC's forests?

Myths abound about how forestry is done in British Columbia. More than ever, sound judgment and respect for the facts are needed. We've put together some resources to help with that.

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Killing 10 million fish & eggs "unfortunate"

Minister Jordan stands by her decision to cut 1,500 coastal jobs, knocking out almost 25% of BC's salmon farming industry and culling 10.7 million fish and eggs.

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Carbon trading: opportunity and obstacles

With its energy exports to Asia reducing world-wide emissions, Canada could benefit from an international carbon credit trading agreement. But flawed carbon accounting and insufficient liquidity in the international market stand in the way.

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Look North for Canada’s future

Northern communities are increasingly ready to play their part, contribute and benefit from this new era, writes Sean Willy.

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What's next for Canada’s water?

Canada boasts an impressive abundance of water resources, but jurisdictional overlap and over-regulation are drying up opportunities. As the federal government plans a new Canada Water Agency, stakeholders urge greater consultation.

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Red tape hurts investment in Canada

The biggest hold-up is split processes, both provincial and federal, whether it’s cutting permits for forestry or mining assessments. Walter Cobb explains.

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Fossil fuels: here for a long future

This Valentine's Day weekend, Arctic chills froze wind turbines and blackouts descended on Texas. Demand for gas soared as homes were left without heat. 

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No pipeline? Then oil moves by rail

Gulf Coast refineries need Alberta's heavy oil. But without Keystone XL, that oil will move by rail instead of pipeline. That's bad news for jobs, and it's bad news for our environment. 

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“Seeing Red: BC's last primary forests” map weaves an artful fiction about forestry

BEHIND THE NEWS: ResourceWorks News takes a look at how GIS data is being employed to create a highly misleading picture of forest practices. What we discover is confusing, to say the least.

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Hydrogen: the future and the fine print

Hydrogen makes a splash with the promise of jobs, green energy, and an emerging industry. But what stands in the way?

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A realistic look at BC forestry

BC needs a working forest, not activist misinformation. Carl Sweet, a founding director of the BC Forestry Alliance, shares his perspective.

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Exploration and mining can and should be at the forefront of B.C.'s post-COVID economic recovery plan

As a society, we should want these operations in BC where we have some of the highest environmental, social and governance standards of anywhere in the world. Kendra Johnson explains.

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Canada’s plans: clean fuels and hydrogen

Despite mixed reviews on its Clean Fuel Standard, the federal government attracts enthusiasm for hydrogen and biofuels.

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Fishy decision from federal minister

With thousands of Vancouver Island jobs and a $1.4 billion investment on the line, BC salmon farmers take Ottawa to court Federal Court over forced closure of Discovery Island operations.

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Electric vehicles: the fine print

Electric vehicles are improving, but battery and cost problems persist.

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The GHG intensity of the Canadian oil industry – what the scientific research actually says

"If activists are going to attack the Canadian oil industry they should understand what the science really says about the relative GHG intensity of Canadian crudes," says scientist and public communicator Blair King, Ph.D.

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Will UNDRIP hurt resource development?

"UNDRIP does not just provide Indigenous peoples with the right to say no to development; it also supports our right to say yes." National Council of Chiefs tells Prime Minister.

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Canada faces pipeline crunch

With Biden blocking Keystone, the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project is more important than ever.

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Where do federal parties stand on BC aquaculture?

In December, the federal government shuttered nineteen fish farms on the Discovery Islands, putting over 1,500 Vancouver Island families out of work. With the future of BC aquaculture in question, Josiah Haynes compares where the federal parties stand.

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We need private investment to build back better

Government can’t print money forever—we’ll need private investment. So what would happen without investment from mining, oil, and gas? Josiah Haynes investigates.

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