Anti-LNG campaign funding linked to ‘serial mine discoverer’
Strange anomalies highlight a donation campaign aimed at preventing adoption of the world's most sought-after clean energy alternative, reports Grant Warkentin.
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Resource champion Richard Neufeld: Thank you for your service
As British Columbia's Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources from 2001 to 2009, Senator Richard Neufeld was on the job as the province's north west oil & gas assets were being brought to maturity. As a senator for the past decade, he helped to gather and share knowledge on an extraordinary number of resource issues. Now he's retiring from the Senate.
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Waterfront spill response demonstration shows current state of preparation
Marine spill response experts gather in Vancouver for a conference on June 18 – the same day federal Cabinet is expected to issue its decision on the fate of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.
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Helping a neighbour - it's the western way
Alberta's "energy war room" was launched in Calgary with a mission to educate Canadians about necessary facts. Stewart Muir explains why he was happy to take the stage in support of this venture.
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Time for a pro-Canadian approach to solve the impact assessment crisis
To quote Rex Murphy, employment is not just a damn paycheque. It is the spine of most people's existence. As politicians seek to legislate future jobs out of existence, Stewart Muir looks at how resource-sterilization lobbyists brought this about.
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Some pertinent information for the nation to contemplate
Let's pause, as Canadians, for a moment and contemplate Hansard from the Legislature of Alberta on the morning of May 23rd, 2019. Stewart Muir looks at the situation.
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Activist-backed male chiefs’ attempt to ‘unperson’ female leaders ends up in court
Female hereditary chiefs who are fighting for the future of their people share their stories in harrowing court documents. Journalist Grant Warkentin looks at the situation for Resource Works.
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Tracking progress: B.C.'s low carbon industry initiative
Companies across the economy are leveraging technology, innovation, best practices and low-carbon energy resources to reduce their carbon footprint and provide low-carbon solutions to international customers in a carbon-constrained world.
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No matter how you measure it, Canadian energy is headed upward
Production is up, consumption is up, and we are both importing and exporting more energy than before. Stewart Muir looks at the latest numbers.
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Momentum grows for collaborative approach on climate change
British Columbia municipalities, having had a chance to consider litigation strategy, are now saying there are better ways to go.
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First Nations front and centre delivering messages of hope at CGLNG Conference and Exhibition
First Nations leaders were front and centre at the Canada Gas and LNG Conference and Exhibition (CGLNG) this week. Indigenous people made it clear what LNG development means to their communities as well as all of B.C., writes Don Hauka
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Northern mayors speak out in favour of Canada's future as a maritime country
The Senate of Canada's Standing Committee on Transportation and Communications looking at Bill C-48 heard from these two mayors hailing from north east British Columbia.
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"Energy corridor" concept, back on agenda, has long been mooted as key to a future Canada
A dedicated, coast-to-coast right-of-way specifically set aside for energy infrastructure projects has re-emerged as a question for voters to consider. Stewart Muir looks at the situation.
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VANCOUVER SUN: China’s appetite for Canadian oil continues to defy marketplace myths
In a few days, an oil tanker ship will sail into a Chinese port and once again opposers of the Trans Mountain pipeline will be left scratching their heads. Stewart Muir asks why.
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The Green effect on British Columbia's natural resources
The Green Party's recent electoral successes at the provincial and federal levels are being noticed. Policy analyst Mary Weiler examines the factors fueling this, and asks where the trend could be headed.
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Can Canada plug into vast natural gas and LNG opportunities, while solving climate change?
For those choosing action over talk when it comes to climate change, the allure of natural gas has never been stronger.
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A youth perspective on the future of efficient and safer pipelines
It will take passion, creativity, and personal investment to ensure there is a sustainable future for the pipeline-building industry, Sarah Vandaiyar told senators at hearings for Bill C-69.
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In search of the win-win solution for Canada and the planet
Here's a paper everyone should read, authored by one of Canada's most accomplished and informed investors, who shared a career's worth of knowledge recently with senators examining two pieces of legislation that many argue will have a deep impact on the country's future.
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A First Nation searches for opportunity through responsible resources
Eva Clayton, president of the Nisga’a Nation, told senators recently that federal tanker ban Bill C-48 undermines the principles of self-determination and environmental management that lie at the heart of the Nisga'a Treaty.
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