BC's family forest companies get a shout-out in House of Commons

Kootenay MP David Wilks lauds environmental-economic balance achieved by 'cornerstones of communities'

A Member of Parliament from south-eastern British Columbia said on June 2 that logging remains "a mainstay of the economy" in the southern Interior of the province, citing the role of 14 forest companies in 13 communities.

"Most of these companies are small, and many are family owned," said David Wilks, refrerring to the companies that form the Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association.

"All are the cornerstones of their communities. Caring for the environment is front and centre."

Wilks said companies that are part of ILMA meet or exceed existing forestry regulations not just to gain social license, but because "it is the way they think business should be done."

Wilks (Kootenay-Columbia, Conservative) added: "It is important because they live in these communities. They are a primary source of employment in the communities in which they live and work. Continued sustained sources of timber are vital to their employment. They care about jobs and the economic boost they bring to these economies."

His full remarks are contained on this daily page of Hansard

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