News & Views
Decisions based on facts or fears?
Canada’s natural resource development opponents are indicating that an increase in the number of crude oil tankers leaving the Port of Vancouver would make a catastrophic crude oil spill inevitable. They continue to promote this position even though their evidence has been considered and rejected by the judicial bodies involved.
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Healing the Divide: A plan for B.C.'s rural development strategy
REPORT: In contemporary British Columbia, non-Native society is embracing more and more of the Indigenous approach to sustainable resource development. This Resource Works submission to the provincial Rural Development Strategy shows how this is tied to some fundamental economic truths.
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A Walk in the Park: Two views on Canada's natural-resource future
AUDIO: People are torn between the environment and the economy – but what can we do about this? Resource Works executive director Stewart Muir and pipeline opponent Tzeporah Berman, who has been working for years to undermine Canadian energy sovereignty, took this question to a cross-Canada radio audience.
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Moving beyond conflict on resource issues
What’s the way to move beyond conflict on key resource issues? Not just on a contentious pipeline, but on the larger questions of balance between economy and environment? Stewart Muir looks at what will help—and at what won’t.
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How crude oil exports pay Canada's bills
Canadians enjoy the sixth highest standard of living in the world. This single largest factor behind this is our ability to export crude oil.
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Snapshot of Northern B.C.'s resource economy
A study from the Northern Development Initiative Trust shows that the region continues its hefty contribution to provincial well-being. Uncertainties in trade and decision making have consequences for all British Columbia residents.
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A small victory for an industry creating thousands of quality jobs
A Supreme Court judge has rejected the use of violent threats against salmon farm workers' families.
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It's a new year, but the challenges ahead look awfully familiar
In 2018, many British Columbians don’t want to see an expansion of natural resource industries here, especially energy-based export industries.
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COUNTRY FOCUS: Taiwan claims its role in international climate action
In this free downloadable report, Resource Works looks at how Taiwan is dealing with pressures to curtail its greenhouse gas emissions. LNG is shaping up as a vital part of the solution.
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Naturally Resourceful: Green growth in the new economy
Can we harness technology to ensure necessary natural resource activities are as safe and beneficial as possible? Judging by the turnout at the Nov. 29 Naturally Resourceful event in Vancouver hosted by Resource Works, the answer is yes.
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Economists provide their top charts for 2018
Here are seven charts that touch on trends in Canada's natural resource future. They are drawn from Maclean's magazine in its annual Chartapalooza feature looking at the biggest economic trends for the coming year.
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The British Columbia government has made a principled and responsible decision to support Site C's completion.
After reviewing the Site C hydro project, British Columbia's decision to keep going to completion is an important step in a long-term energy transition. Stewart Muir looks at the issue.
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Making the progressive case for a modern oil pipeline
TURNING POINT: Two political leaders, two views of how the expanded TransMountain pipeline project benefits Canada's environmental journey.
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Why hydro electricity is a futuristic climate solution
To reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, Canada must commit to building a vast amount of clean energy infrastructure. That's why projects like Site C are critically important.
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The Notley Doctrine: Making the progressive case for the Kinder Morgan pipeline
Alberta's premier Rachel Notley had a powerful message for Vancouver residents in her Nov. 30 speech: expanding the TransMountain pipeline is a project that centre-left Canadians can embrace. Stewart Muir examines her argument.
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Naturally Resourceful lunch draws an audience of 150
Natural resource businesses mean high wages and high productivity. At our Naturally Resourceful conference, we heard why this is a winning advantage.
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Sacrificing the economy to advance class-action climate lawsuits a terrible idea
An academic calling for class-action lawsuits against Canadian energy companies is ignoring the obvious fact that, ultimately, it's always the consumer who pays. That's you, writes Kim Lonsdale.
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Working from home = Win + Win + Win + Win
An emerging trend that offers significant reductions in carbon emissions is working from home, or telecommuting. Kim Lonsdale takes a look.
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Current measures of eco performance do a poor job of valuing Canada
Canada’s climate is challenging and hugely variable given that our land area begins at the 42nd latitude and extends to the magnetic north. Between long distances and extreme temperature, Canadians use lots of energy for basic heating, cooling, and mobility.
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These nine companies are breaking through tech barriers
Meet nine companies enabling a clean, efficient natural resource industry. They're leading an exciting new export industry based on Canada's traditional strengths: learn more Nov. 29.
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Gaining traction: Why vehicle and engine choice make a huge difference
Most Canadians are concerned about climate change, yet their actions as consumers paint a contradictory picture. In his second article in a series, Kim Lonsdale illustrates how making better vehicle and engine choices can help make actual headway in terms of reducing our carbon emissions.
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Don't miss our Naturally Resourceful event on Nov. 29 2017
Tickets are now on sale for this powerful lineup of thinkers talking about the shift to a more diversified, green resource economy through the global export value chain.
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Spinning our wheels: Why carbon emissions are going in the wrong direction
Over 80% of Canadians, and an even greater percentage of British Columbians indicate that they are concerned or very concerned about climate change. Kim Lonsdale looks into how is this translating into how we get around.
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Can you guess the seven fields leading B.C.'s green diversification?
Extracting added value from commodities like minerals, energy, paper and lumber is the most realistic option we have to create more high-tech jobs in an era when over 70 per cent of global trade is in intermediate goods and services and capital goods.
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Helios Wire: Satellite technology levels the data playing field
Greener and more efficient use of our precious natural resources can only come from harnessing technology. In the Naturally Resourceful series, Resource Works writer Don Hauka looks at the British Columbia companies that are on the leading edge of this transformation. Eighth in the series.
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RESOURCES PRIMER: Five proof points showing how primary industries drive the economy
The world is just as dependent as ever on basic materials that need to be responsibly sourced from somewhere. This can be challenging to understand for those who've heard the arguments that Canada is a post-resource economy. This material can help.
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How natural resources are spinning high-tech and clean-tech jobs
British Columbia's highest productivity, highest paying jobs are in natural resources. But did you know resources are creating a stunning level of high-tech and clean tech jobs? Meet some of the companies driving this renaissance.
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At the nexus of high tech and natural resources
To mark the British Columbia Tech Summit, Resource Works looked at how foundational industries are at the leading edge of innovation. You'll be amazed at what we discovered.
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What can be learned from the disappointment of losing one major project?
Industry and government are paying the price for being tone deaf and numb to their obligations to First Nations and communities. Regulatory burden and uncertainty is another. Layer on top of that regulatory uncertainty and a lack of a real and clear commitment by governments, and it's clear Canada is in trouble. 
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International energy guru's message for Canada
Canada has natural advantages in its oil and gas industry that the country would be wise to consider as it plans its energy future. The head of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, took time out from a recent visit to Winnipeg to explain what those are.
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Building a resilient nation will take courage
Every woman, man and child in Canada benefits from the oil industry through the billions it pays in royalties, corporate taxes and other levies. According to Jamie Carroll, that includes the women, men and children living in British Columbia and Quebec.
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Getting from high-energy to low-carbon lifestyles
In our haste for energy perfection, we are overlooking the more important need to sustain, over the long term, supplies of energy sufficient to let us maintain our standard of living. Stewart Muir looks at what we can do about this emerging crisis.
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Bet you won't guess the most powerful step available to address climate change
Electric vehicles? Solar panels? Wind turbines? None of the above. Educating girls and family planning in combination offer the greatest single opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Proving big things can come in small packages
Greener and more efficient use of our precious natural resources can only come from harnessing technology. In the Naturally Resourceful series, Resource Works writer Don Hauka looks at the British Columbia companies that are on the leading edge of this transformation. Seventh in the series.
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A frontline dispatch from the war on responsible resource development
Sobering thoughts from a retired energy regulator who has won accolades from all sides through contentious processes.
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A new series celebrates progress through natural resources
Our new daily infographic from adventurer-scientist Tony Morley appears in social media with the hashtag #ResourceProgress.
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Two perspectives on carbon pricing, future fuels and prosperity
Global demand for crude oil and natural gas is not credibly forecast to diminish over most of this century, but there is increasing pressure to change our energy systems. Some leading-edge thinkers examine the thorny issues that result.
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What's in the national interest? Let's start with prosperity, freedom and equality
A court challenge paid for by British Columbia taxpayers claims that building safe energy infrastructure is not in the national interest. Could this be true?
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Resource Works adds its voice to Generation Energy
Winnipeg conference aims to shape Canada’s long-term energy future.
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Our growth potential is wasting away as resource project inertia continues
"We continue to drag our feet about pipelines, we manage to discourage liquefied natural gas investments in BC..."
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DYK: Alberta is a bigger trading partner for BC than China
A fascinating new study from the Business Council of British Columbia reveals high level of mutual dependency between the neighbours.
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Trade is the lifeblood of our prosperity – that is why we must protect it
Resource commodities are nearly 80% of British Columbia's exports today and continue to underpin hundreds of thousands of jobs. Wrong moves on carbon pricing can hurt those workers while doing nothing for climate.
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Vancouver's "de facto" ban on natural gas: A study
A trio of city policies amounts to a de facto ban on natural gas in pursuit of a "100% renewable energy" target. Moreover, the ban is based on insufficient renewable natural gas and could blunt more effective work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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How to work effectively with people we don’t agree with, may not like, and don’t trust
One of the most important skill sets for current times is the ability to work with people we don't necessary agree with or even trust. Finally there is a way to acquire this ability.
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Common-sense Canadians want a clean future as well as a powered present
While a small number of protesters get themselves on the news with emotionally charged displays, it turns out most British Columbia residents are practical green futurists who support new energy projects done right.
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Let's get behind the B.C. Thanksgiving Food Drive
Resource families are among the hardest hit by British Columbia's summer of wildfires. As we leave the summer season, they're going to need all the help they can get. Please join us supporting the Thanksgiving Food Drive, an annual event that takes place each September
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Do you love the Earth? Then you should be at Resources for Future Generations 2018
In June 2018, Vancouver will be the site of a major international conference exploring themes of interest to the Resource Works community.
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