News & Views
It's time to build Canada for our children
Recent events prove that when resource investment is driven away from Canada, governments will have no choice but to raise taxes to get the funds they need.
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Life of a natural gas well
We're often asked how natural gas, which occurs in great abundance in western Canada, can be extracted with minimal impact on land and water. This animation shows the steps involved.
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Lightship Works: Hardhat experience helps create cutting-edge safety software systems
Greener and more efficient use of our precious natural resources can only come from harnessing technology. In the Naturally Resourceful series, Resource Works writer Don Hauka looks at the British Columbia companies that are on the leading edge of this transformation. Sixth in the series.
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Here's why Canada depends so much on its energy exports
What country wouldn't want to retain, and keep improving, a trillion dollar industry? (If it was lucky enough to have one, that is.) Stewart Muir looks at some surprising data.
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Petronas pulls the plug on its massive plans to export BC's gas
Attracting job-creating investments to British Columbia requires putting out a welcome mat. It should come as no surprise when hostile messages are taken at face value, and investors head for the hills.
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It's the imbalances that are hurting climate progress for Canada
Trusted and efficient carbon pricing is fundamental if we expect industry to maintain committed to jobs in Canada. There are some worrying signs this is at risk.
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Responding to climate change: Reinventing forestry practices in British Columbia
The problem is not coming – it's already here. Writer David Jordan took an in-depth look at how British Columbia researchers have been tackling threats to forest health.
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What today's B.C. wildfires can tell us about the future
Escalating devastation in the British Columbia Interior is creating widespread hardship. Through this testing time, we should also be thinking about future-proofing the province's people and resources, since the problems aren't going away.
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"Carbon bomb"? Sorry, activists: natural gas from Canada is necessary to fight climate change
A vigorous effort to erode confidence in Canada's LNG industry has it all wrong. In fact, natural gas is in hot demand worldwide in the crusade against climate change.
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A portrait of our vulnerability
Wildfires across the British Columbia Interior are a reminder that the things we take for granted can be snatched away with hardly a moment's notice.
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How resources continue to make B.C. a beacon of responsible prosperity
Stewart Muir looks at how it is that British Columbia remains so strongly identified with natural resources.
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Let these projects go forward: B.C. residents send a clear message
It's time to explode the carefully nurtured myth that British Columbia residents are opposed to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion and Site C. That just ain't so, according to a new poll from the Angus Reid Institute.
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A new reality for British Columbia?
Can British Columbia prosperity be saved from a slate of policies designed specifically to drive natural resource investment out of the province? As investors' hands tighten around their wallets, one thing is clear: the work of our movement has scarcely begun.
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The “R” word sounds sour note in BC’s Northeast
The BC NDP has promised to review natural gas fracking and what it calls subsidies, while the BC Greens campaigned to ban the use of any kind of fossil fuels. Davie Higgins looks at why some residents of BC's north east region, including Tyler Kosick, are concerned.
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Reality check on natural resources
In British Columbia, resource exports have been a stable part of the economy for the past two decades. Last year, they increased.
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It's Aboriginal Awareness Week
Canada's Aboriginal people consistently speak of their quest for a successful future. Now there is fresh evidence to show that they are twice as likely as non-Aboriginals to find that future through work in natural resource fields.
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In one slide, why the Kinder Morgan pipeline is in Canada's vital national interest
Next time you hear someone claim we can do without the B.C. pipeline expansion, don't be swayed. Without crude oil exports, Canada simply cannot pay the rent.
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BRIDGING THE DIVIDE: Here's how one mine is building communities
For those in the natural resource fields, it can prove incredibly challenging to demonstrate to others – like city residents – the positive impact that rural and out-of-sight industrial activities have on the economy. Check out how the Copper Mountain Mine is working to overcome that.
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Busy time ahead for Resource Works
In communities across British Columbia, Resource Works is part of an emerging movement in support of getting past today's natural resource conflicts. We are also helping keep decision makers abreast of important developments in recognizing the essential role of natural resources in the economy.
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A moment of reflection – and building the movement
The central role of natural resources in British Columbia life is reflected in the province's general election results. What are the lessons for those of us working toward broader consensus on what will surely be a resource-intensive future? Stewart Muir looks at the landscape.
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Suzuki Foundation researchers come back impressed by B.C.'s natural gas emissions
Looking for evidence of methane emissions in British Columbia's natural gas extraction industry, researchers were surprised at how tight the new wave of field equipment really is.
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Angry about U.S. duties on Canadian lumber? Blame B.C.
A significant chunk of the penalty is due to log export restrictions that exist only in British Columbia, according to Barrie McKenna of the Globe and Mail.
Veteran woodsman certain "raw" log exports are not a problem
The issue is far more complicated and a ban would not solve anything, says Nanaimo log broker Barry Simpson in this report by Don Hauka for Resource Works.
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Inventys: Saving the world by braving hi-tech's "Valley of Death"
Greener and more efficient use of our precious natural resources can only come from harnessing technology. In the Naturally Resourceful series, Resource Works writer Don Hauka looks at the British Columbia companies that are on the leading edge of this transformation. Fifth in the series.
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Reality Check - Forest jobs have been recovering for half a decade
Latest data from BC Statistics shows forestry jobs in the province are close to breaking through the 20,000 level for first time since the global financial crisis hit in 2008. With softwood lumber now an issue, Stewart Muir reveals what the employment numbers mean.
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Vancouver’s first shipment of Alberta crude oil
A maritime archivist reveals the story of how Vancouver became an export port for a commodity it has been shipping safely since 1956.
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Future of Site C question is a query about the future of society itself
A new study that says stop building the clean-energy mega project is based on two assumptions – low commodity prices lasting forever, and revolutionary energy technologies "just around the corner". Stewart Muir analyzes the study, which was authored by longstanding project opponents.
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MYTH BUSTER: How do we get the most out of our natural resources?
Doesn't it seem like common sense that the smartest thing to do to strengthen our economy is make finished products? Donald Trump might have made this idea work for him. But the Smiley Curve shows why a strong resource economy like British Columbia should be realistic about manufacturing.
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Here's what we need to know about competitiveness in the carbon pricing era
Carbon pricing in individual Canadian provinces—if not matched by equivalent carbon prices in other jurisdictions—can potentially create competitiveness pressures on individual economic sectors. Check out the Ecofiscal Commission's findings on this issue.
MYTH BUSTER: The joint panel reviewing Site C actually found much to like about the dam project
Supporters of clean energy investment were backed by the findings of a 2014 joint federal-provincial panel on the Site C dam project.
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Local leaders find paths toward balanced understanding of mining
Opinions vary by region when it comes to mineral exploration and mine development. Courtesy of Mineral Exploration magazine, here's the experience of three British Columbia communities.
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ATTENTION POLITICAL CANDIDATES: Growing the resource economy = more jobs
A recent Ipsos Reid poll for Resource Works confirmed that 83% of British Columbia residents equate natural resources with opportunity. And they are right to do so. Check out the stunning diversity of good jobs that come from a healthy resource sector.
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"Where does your money sleep?" First Nations panelists challenge B.C. businesses at Nation2Nation Forum in Vancouver
Initially established in North East British Columbia, the forum was in Vancouver for the first time. Mission: to bring together those interested in pursuing and supporting First Nations business opportunities.
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Thanks to you, we've hit a new milestone
The idea of a research group dedicated to building solid information, broader understanding, and a supportive movement wasn’t novel in 2014 when Resource Works came onto the scene.
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Who decides our energy future?
At a conference in Ottawa this week, Resource Works joined a conversation about the ability of Canada to attract investment and foster innovation.
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NGRAIN technology gives "super hero powers" to people
Using 3D scanners and laser scanning measurement devices, workers can scan a piece of equipment, feed the data into the NGRAIN platform and have it automatically identify problems.
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Here's the simple, non-partisan truth about crude oil: exporting it is how Canada pays the rent
Politics has absolutely nothing to do with the urgent necessity to build pipelines, like the Kinder Morgan expansion, to tidewater.
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