
How rural BC packs a punch in the big city

What is the economic impact of resource companies, especially in urban areas? Resource Works sets off in search of the answer

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What does responsible resource development mean to you?

Community Breakfast Conversations on Natural Resources aims to bring together residents with diverse views, values, interests and priorities

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Northern resource development brings life-changing decisions, opportunities

Seaspan CEO Jonathan Whitworth gazes out across Douglas Channel towards a marine jetty reaching out from the Kitimat shoreline and listens to the hum of industrial activity floating over the calm water


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Longshoreman union chief appointed as adviser

Mark Gordienko, president of the ILWU  (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) Canada, has joined the Resource Works Advisory Council


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UBC forestry leads the revival and rethinking of BC's biggest industry

The faculty is going through a revival at the University of British Columbia, drawing a new wave of urban students like Robert Smidstra, who see not just a profession, but also a way to bring about social change


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Signs of hope for BC wood-frame houses market in China

The new five-year memorandum of understanding signed recently between British Columbia and Zhejiang province, which lies just south of Shanghai, seems like a long-held dream coming true


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Stewart Muir: BC natural resources debate needs balance

Exclusive to The Georgia Straight: Recently, a young man in Vancouver gained overnight notoriety with a crude video game enacting a massacre in the Main Street SkyTrain station. When television news caught up with him to find out why, he reeled off a list of frustrations he claimed led to him making the game. Among them: natural resource development and an inadequate transit system


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Six charts showing how BC depends on natural resources

The sector remains a critical part of the British Columbian economy, as confirmed in the latest review published by the provincial government


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Building a better life on the banks of the Fraser River

Sawmill worker Hasrat Begg has a son with a master’s degree teaching at Simon Fraser University and a daughter with a diploma from Douglas College who is working at the Vancouver Film School


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Responsible development and public perception

Resource Works's Stewart Muir joins Mike Smyth on CKNW to talk about responsible resource development


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The benefits are desirable and the risks can be managed

Back in 1985 when I was editor of The Whistler Question, I remember writing a column on the coming rise of tourism and the inevitable decline of forestry


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Getting a better understanding of the Mount Polley accident

One of the most frequently asked questions after the Cariboo mine's tailings dam spill was, 'What is in the tailings?! And furthermore, are they 'toxic', as has been claimed repeatedly in media coverage? Now that new details have been provided from the mine owner, we are better able to answer these questions


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Getting a better understanding of the Mount Polley mine

British Columbians are justifiably concerned about the major failure at the operation in the Cariboo region that released an estimated 10 million cubic metres of water and 4.5 million cubic metres of fine particles into nearby streams


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Different approach to overcoming aboriginal opposition

The federal government has made new commitments to help secure First Nations support for big energy projects in BC


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Five facts every British Columbian needs to know

Infographic presentation on oil shipping in the province


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Carbon and competition: lessons from BC’s agriculture sector

Back in 2012, the BC government gave greenhouse growers a hefty carbon-tax exemption, with the justification that the tax was unfairly hurting the industry’s competitiveness. But new research suggests there was no justification for this move; the industry was doing just fine


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Ongoing uncertainty over BC’s LNG industry

Peter Severinson writes that he has been reading a lot of crazy, confusing and contradictory things about the sector lately. To clarify things, here are his answers to some good questions posed by no one in particular


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Failing to develop our resources risks losing out on long-term security

The future for our families and our children depends on our ability to develop our resource endowment efficiently and responsibly


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Building trust on safe natural resource development

Professional codes of ethics ensure that the public can be confident that assessment work is carried out properly, argues environmental scientist Scott Weston


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Opinion: The future looks brighter for northwest BC

It’s been challenging to be a participant in the region's economy over the last dozen years. In fact, I’ve sometimes struggled to explain to Lower Mainlanders just how bad it was


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Reports: industry activity and sustainability can coexist

Is it possible for a region to be both resource-dependent and also green? If so, recent research suggests that region would look a lot like BC


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No longer just hewers of wood and drawers of water

This generation of young professionals is shattering stereotypes about what it means to be a resource worker


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Looking for a job? Look no further than natural resources

New information released under the government of Canada's open data program, which is illustrated by the accompanying chart, shows that the sector grew more than any other

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It’s time to start trusting the judgment of those most affected by development

Recently, I attended a visit to Ottawa by a delegation from Germany. Virtually the whole discussion was taken up with energy issues, something one of the participants remarked would not have even been mentioned five years ago


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Four views on one pipeline

Resource Works is an organization that, quite uniquely in British Columbia, examines the economic consequences of natural resource development


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Top 10 reasons BC stands to gain from LNG

It is highly advantageous for the province to sell its liquefied natural gas to Asia. Here's why


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Why the future of LNG lies beyond North America

Even the long, cold winter that swept across most of Canada and the United States won’t be enough to fuel a recovery of British Columbia’s shrinking natural gas market


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Poll: Canadians underestimate economic importance of the East

It’s quite a contradiction. Canada is relying more and more on trade with Asia, but people are less and less convinced that it matters


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BC’s dysfunctional resource debate, part 4: The elephant in the room - climate change

Report: 'Our reputation is hurting us. It is especially hurting our ability to address perceptions in key markets and to generate support for many resource projects'


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Our unacceptable ignorance about labour shortages

There is a longstanding, legitimate fear in Western Canada that there will not be enough workers to fuel imminent economic growth. It’s a shame we don't know what we're talking about


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Canada’s resource tide is in – will it miss the boat?

There is a tide in the affairs of development projects, as Shakespeare might have said, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries


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Report: BC’s economy to grow faster than Canada’s

The bank predicts healthy GDP growth rates above the expected rate of growth for the country as a whole


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Coal sector ups and downs felt provincewide

News last week that Peace River Coal was idling operations in Tumbler Ridge is the latest sign of an industry slowdown that impacts jobs and revenue in every corner of BC


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'Canada has to compete harder than ever to sell its resources'

The key message to emerge from an energy forum is that the country is at a crossroads: where once we supplied only one customer, now we’re trying to supply the world. It’s a big transition, and it won’t be easy


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Northern Gateway poll: What does it mean for environment and jobs?

It’s the undecideds who have it in a survey showing a three-way split in support for the pipeline


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Accessing tidewater is key to increasing oil revenue

Compelling evidence from Bloomberg confirms that pipeline expansion in British Columbia is worth tens of billions of dollars to the Canadian economy


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BC’s dysfunctional resource debate, Part 3: Action not marketing

Previously in this series, I’ve discussed a few reasons why our public discourse on natural-resource issues has become so dismal


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One in 10 Canadians is employed thanks to natural resources (and other neat facts)

According to new figures released by Natural Resources Canada, BC ranks in the middle in terms of both the number of people employed in the sector and its contribution to provincial GDP



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The 9 Habits of Highly Effective Resource Economies: Lessons for Canada

The Canadian International Council released this whimsically titled but very serious report in 2012. The basic question it asked was: How can the country derive maximum benefit from its tremendous natural advantages?



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Economy spins around urban log brokers

From his office in New Westminster, Probyn Log vice-president Bill Markvoort is about as far from the woods as you can get, but he is at the hub of a business that keeps the coastal forest industry humming


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BC's dysfunctional resource debate, Part 2: It’s our institutions, stupid

This is the second post in a series looking at why our public discourse has become so toxic


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How California’s natural gas champion raised the green roof at event

One of the most avidly listened-to speakers at the recent LNG conference in Vancouver was Richard Muller, a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He put natural gas into perspective in terms of climate change and water safety, arguing that it is a 'saviour' fuel


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LNG in BC Conference attracting students for education, training and research opportunities

One of the more unexpected sights at the event is the crowds of young people strolling the halls of the Vancouver Convention Centre


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Putting Russia's pipeline deal with China into perspective

For more insight, see the commentary piece by Stewart Muir

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New pipeline rules raise pressure on industry to ensure safety

The federal government recently announced new regulations. Here’s a quick breakdown of the main points


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Spin-off port spending a boon for city

Three Vancouver-area shipping terminals between them spend nearly $600 million on goods and services in British Columbia, according to figures released today. The impact includes $115 million in the city of Vancouver


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Russia pipeline deal underlines high value natural gas has for China

In the 'Power of Siberia' deal announced this week between Russia and China, the parties have been secretive on the exact terms so it is difficult to draw comparisons to other such contracts


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Resource Stories - A joint venture with The Province newspaper

In a series of conversations with workers and business operators, The Province and Resource Works explore the contributions that trade, industry and natural resources make to the British Columbia economy

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