It’s time once again to showcase what is surely, bare none, the proudest achievement of Resource Works in the category of sending an important message in a not-so-serious way: the Natural Runners program.
Our idea to take the annual Vancouver Sun Run by storm generated more social media attention than almost anything we have done.
The message: “Without Natural Resources, We’d Be Naked!”
The temporary tattoos soon fade on the flesh of the bold guys who ran for us, but the deeper meaning lives on. Without natural resources, and the products we make from and with them, we would be naked.
City residents can all too often lose connection with the rural resource activities that are the ultimate source of every material aspect of their existence. Living our cocooned urban existences means that we can forget to appreciate the people who work so hard to provide for all.
And it’s not difficult, either, to overlook the complexity and importance of decisions affecting the natural resource industries that are of such fundamental importance to the BC economy.
Celebrate our Natural Runners!
Video - The 2015 Resource Works Natural Runners
Video: Natural Runners - Round Two!
Video: Natural runners bare it all!
Video: Resource Works sends out the guys