Spreading the Word: Vancouver Courier series

Resource Works stars, and spreads its messages, in a special series in The Vancouver Courier.

There are three parts to it:

  • Part One. Resource Works Society: Advocating for sustainable development

Resource Works Society is a non-profit that educates and creates dialogue on the value of responsible resource development in B.C.,” explains Barinder Rasode, Director of Social Responsibility.

“We want to make sure that the community has the proper facts around the resource sector and the connection between the north – where the resources are – and the south – where we benefit from resource extraction.”


  • Part Two. Finding the facts on responsible resource development

“We want to improve the state of public discourse on natural-resource topics in B.C.,” Barinder says.

“Arguments should be based in fact and with respectful dialogue, distinguishing between vested interests and broad community interest. We need to engage in a manner that seeks resolution, not endless confrontation. . . .

“Companies are pulling back on investments in British Columbia because of arguments based on emotion, rather than facts.”


  • Part Three. What do LNG, oil, and horse racing have in common?

Barinder Rasode, Director of Social Responsibility for the Resource Works Society, is encouraging Vancouverites to come out to the Race for Resources fundraising event to help fund research and create fact-based information on the contribution of responsible resource development and extraction.

“It’s going to be a really fun event,” Barinder says. “Thanks to the generosity of the Hastings Park race track, we’ll have a VIP compound where you can rub shoulders with resource industry leaders, public policy decision makers, and other concerned citizens and enjoy a wonderful summer afternoon while supporting a good cause.”

Starting at 12:30pm and running until 5pm, the event promises to be an afternoon of fun and camaraderie at Hastings Park Race Track in support of the Resource Works Society. There will be live entertainment between races, a roaming photographer, and a betting kiosk for the exclusive use of the Race for Resources attendees.


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