"Maximizing returns on investments in people" is motto of newest Resource Works Advisory Council member

Kerry A. Jothen, a former CEO of the British Columbia Industry Training & Apprenticeship Commission, has aided strategic planning and capacity building throughout the resource industry. 

He joins a broadly representative Advisory Council that exists to provide counsel to the Resource Works Society in its mission to explore the responsible development of British Columbia's natural resources – including energy, mining, forestry and aquaculture –creates jobs and incomes throughout the province, both directly and indirectly, while maintaining a clean and healthy environment.  

Kerry-Jothen.jpgKerry has over 40 years of experience in various human capital roles, including the last 17+ years as CEO of Human Capital Strategies (HCS), one of the longest-standing independent workforce research and strategy development consultancies in British Columbia. Prior to HCS, Kerry spent 4 1/2 years as chief executive officer of the BC Industry Training & Apprenticeship Commission (ITAC) and held several senior management positions within the BC government as well as positions at four BC post-secondary institutions.

Kerry has advised several resource-based companies including two global LNG proponents, a global leader in aluminum production, mining companies, and several resource sector organizations on strategic workforce planning and workforce strategy in forestry, mining and mineral exploration and oil and gas. He has led workforce planning and capacity-building projects involving 40 First Nations and indigenous organizations in BC, many involving partnerships with resource organizations.

Kerry has also planned and developed workforce strategies for organizations in several other industries in BC, and his policy work includes major human capital policy papers for the Business Council of BC, major reviews of BC government’s Aboriginal post-secondary education policy and contributions to the Council of Ministers of Education Canada and the OECD papers on vocational and technical education policy.

Kerry has a B.A. in Psychology from the Simon Fraser University and an M.A. in Adult Education from the University of British Columbia; after which he was a contract research associate to the UBC Centre for Higher Education and Training.

In March 2019, Resource Works will celebrate five years as a unique and internationally recognized non-profit organization that has had a positive impact on understanding.

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