Here at Resource Works one of our key objectives is providing you with solid, fact-based research and information about the responsible resource sector in BC.
That is why we are excited to tell you about our next report - due for release in September - a special, in-depth report about what the Elk Valley mines have done for BC, and still do today.
For more than 100 years, the Elk Valley in southeast BC has been the heart of BC’s coal industry.
It’s the largest coal-producing region in BC, with Teck’s five mines producing each year more than 28 million tonnes of coal that is shipped to steel mills around the world.
And providing jobs for more than 4,000 British Columbians.
And that’s just one of the big studies we’ll issue after the summer is over.
After the Elk Valley report, look for a study of how rural BC resource workers contribute 5-7 times as much to BC exports as does the average BC worker. And after that, we’ll give you a study on public opinion about resource development.
We ask you in this newsletter from time to time for your support, in a variety of ways. We ask you to spread the word about Resource Works and responsible resource development. We ask you to share items from our website and Facebook, and to retweet our items on Twitter. We occasionally ask for your financial support.
Expressions of support and testimonials are hugely welcome, too, and we’re beginning to collect some of them more formally—as “endorsements” on a new page on our website.
Support what we do? Then please endorse us here! Thank you.
Twitter: We posted this week the 10,000th tweet on our Twitter channel.
Here’s what it said:
- Our Resource Works movement is gathering steam!
Our Facebook page now has amassed 2,422 “likes”. There, by the way, we have added more photos to our Facebook album of photos of our Natural Runners.
Vancity Buzz: We also began a four-part online series on Vancity Buzz. Part One (“Without natural resources we would be naked [and smelly]”) has driven 307 shares on Facebook and Twitter. Part Two (“Without natural resources you'd have a lot less friends”) has already drawn 102 shares.
Resource Works is a non-profit research and advocacy organization supporting a respectful, fact-based dialogue on responsible resource development in BC. Visit us online at
Please feel free to share this update with your friends and colleagues and invite them to join the conversation about responsible resource development by joining our newsletter, liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter.
Questions, thoughts or suggestions? Email us: [email protected].
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