Send A Message to Premier John Horgan

Mayors of British Columbia's resource-reliant communities have been in touch with Premier John Horgan. They reminded him that natural resources hold the key to economic recovery in this devastating pandemic.

Healing the urban-rural divide is an absolute necessity. Let's get to work together!

Sign this petition to let the Premier know that you support the mayors' message.



Dear Premier Horgan,

Supporting responsible natural resource development will continue to be one of the most crucial things that you can do as premier in 2021.

Recently you heard from British Columbia mayors who are concerned about the rural-urban divide. Their requests sounded very reasonable. I'd just like to let you know that you've also got my support when it comes to restarting the economy and saving jobs. 

Five Things That Need Doing

  1. Move quickly to enable shovel-ready projects to proceed;
  2. Send the right messages to international investors to ensure that B.C.’s most resilient industries can succeed in uncertain global investment conditions;
  3. Recognize in your economic planning the unique advantage of globally carbon-competitive exports from B.C.’s resource-based industries;
  4. Put workers and communities first as your government delivers on its campaign commitments;
  5. Ensure that any new regulations affecting the ability to deliver on the first four pillars during the pandemic recovery period are considered carefully.

Natural resource jobs are the heart and soul of our B.C. way of life. Let's heal the divide! I hope you will move with speed to get all of these measures in place.

Thank you to these mayors for their leadership:

Mayor Lori Ackerman, Fort St. John; Mayor Walt Cobb, Williams Lake; Mayor Andy Adams, Campbell River; Mayor  Allen Courtoreille, Chetwynd; Mayor Lee Pratt, Cranbrook; Mayor Dale Bumstead, Dawson Creek; Mayor Michelle Staples, Duncan; Mayor Sarrah Storey, Fraser Lake; Mayor Brad Unger, Gold River; Mayor Phil Germuth, Kitimat; Mayor Joan Atkinson, Mackenzie; Mayor  Linda Brown, Merritt; Mayor Al Siebring, North Cowichan; Mayor Gary Foster, Northern Rockies; Mayor Brad West, Port Coquitlam; Mayor Dennis Dugas, Port Hardy; Mayor Gaby Wickstrom, Port McNeill; Mayor Lorraine Michetti, Pouce Coupe; Mayor Doug McCallum, Surrey; Mayor Rob Fraser, Taylor; Mayor Carol Leclerc, Terrace; Mayor Keith Bertrand, Tumbler Ridge.

Read the Open Letter from Mayors to Premier John Horgan.

45 signatures

Will you sign?