CHARTS: A timely reminder of what natural resources do for Canada
With humanity demanding products like masks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, reliable 24/7 fuels and medical products based on plastic and metal, there's no getting away from it: the world needs Canada's resources. And herein lies the solution for troubled times.
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One year of delay adds $812 million to a Canadian pipeline's costs: study
Unrecoverable personnel and overhead costs make up 90 per cent of losses due to regulatory delays.
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Double testing – blood and saliva – is the quickest way Canadians can get back to normal for as long as we are without a coronavirus vaccine
NEWS ANALYSIS: Health Canada has yet to approve a single blood test despite having 34 products under review, writes Stewart Muir. A faster approach that protects health is needed.
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Innovation and regulatory certainty will be central to restarting Canada's economy post-COVID-2019
Stewart Muir and Margareta Dovgal look at emerging ideas for a strong recovery from the pandemic.
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Critical thinking matters amid calls for folding up Canada's oil & gas sector
Renewables-only advocates have seized upon the pandemic as a way to pressure federal politicians into using their powers to deep-six Canada’s domestic oil and gas industry, writes Stewart Muir.
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How the Natural Runners brought a light touch to the story of natural resources
The annual Vancouver Sun Run attracts 50,000 entrants each April for a festive 10 km race. Sadly, in 2020 there won't be a race due to the pandemic. However, here's some good news.
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Notes from Flight 163, the oil sands shuttle from Toronto to Edmonton
"On a recent Monday morning, I found myself on Air Canada Flight 163 from Toronto Pearson to Edmonton," writes Stewart Muir. "As the plane loaded, I began to sense there was something not so regular about the passengers boarding the Airbus 320 for a regularly scheduled flight."
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Resource sector finds ways to carry on despite COVID-19 crisis
But government support needed to weather the storm. Don Hauka filed this report assessing the status of natural resource projects underway in British Columbia.
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Health authority monitoring on-leave employee heading up taxpayer-funded protest camp
A British Columbia civil servant has a surprising second job – she is a director at the Unist'ot'en camp originally created to block any pipeline that might be planned for a North West corridor. Her government employer is monitoring the situation, just weeks after $400,000 in public funding was announced for the camp. Veteran journalist Stewart Muir assembled a number of facts about the situation.
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Another century, another pipeline
In 1956, the Liberal government of Louis St. Laurent was tasked with defending the decision to establish a Crown Corporation in order to build the Trans-Canada Pipeline. Sound familiar?
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Who’s “right” on the CGL pipeline?
Thoughtful and intelligent views do exist on the natural gas project across British Columbia's north. Many others are stunningly simplistic, and are often emotional, and/or romanticized. Others are outright racist.
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Resource Labour Market Information Report 2020
Report will identify job growth in forestry, mining and mineral exploration, oil and gas extraction including liquefied natural gas, paper manufacturing, primary metal products, resource-based construction, utilities and wood product manufacturing in British Columbia.
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Start 2020 right with January 14 must-attend conference
Historic changes to British Columbia’s legal system are now in place that will affect how business is done in the province. And, soon, across Canada. It's a step forward for Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. Don't be left out: attend this event January 14 to know what's in store for 2020.
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New Frontier for the oilsands
There’s a constant lack of long-term thinking, and business basics, on the part of so many vocal opponents of major resource projects.
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Declaration of rights opens the door to billions in First Nations partnerships
The benefits to First Nations that participate more fully in the B.C. economy will be measured in billions of dollars. A win-win result will create society-wide benefits. A full-day gathering in Vancouver on January 14, 2020 will look at how a new legal landscape will affect this trend.
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FORESTRY CRISIS: Messages for community leaders
From the Interior to the Island to Metro Vancouver and its suburbs, British Columbia forest workers are facing the biggest threat in decades.
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Mining and the green economy
Radical improvements needed for metal mining to impact climate change as much as it needs to in coming decades.
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The City of Richmond's contorted relationship with fossil fuels
After voting to sue fuel companies for their role in climate change, local officials signed off on a jet-fuel pipeline project that will create decades of emissions. Awkward? Stewart Muir looks at the issue.
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How things were made right after the Mount Polley spill
Dr. 'Lyn Anglin, founding president and CEO of Geoscience BC, takes a look at what happened at the British Columbia copper and gold mine after its 2014 tailings accident.
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