Refining bitumen in BC the green way
In BC, the greening of bitumen may not be all that far off. Earlier last month, the Kitimat Clean Refinery took the first step towards seeking environmental assessment from the BC government for a project to refine bitumen.
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Help build a campaign: Support Race for Resources on June 25
We need to your help to protect prosperity in British Columbia. Buy a ticket for Race for Resources, or sponsor a race. Failing to act means placing our responsible, prosperous future at risk.
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Canada's energy dilemma
Pressure from the international community to minimize increases in global temperature is mounting, and CO2 emissions reduction strategies are becoming valuable political capital for environmentally-conscious political parties the world over.
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British Columbians have granted social license for oil pipelines: newest poll
Despite strenuous campaigns by some in the environmental movement, there is little public opinion pressure on the Liberal government to scrap these projects, according to Abacus Data
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Countdown: Just one month until the Race for Resources
At Resource Works, we have worked relentlessly for two years to build understanding about the benefits of responsible resources. If you value this, here is your chance to help ensure the project can continue.
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Mining jobs in the city: Harder to see, but we have lodes of them
British Columbia's largest export is minerals, accounting for $140 billion in export value over the decade to 2014. We know this means lots of jobs, so why do mining people struggle to illustrate this to others?
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May 26: DYK it's Resource Recognition Day across Canada?
A range of activities are scheduled for this Thursday as business leaders across the country take a close look at resource activities.
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What's coming up in June? Turns out to be a busy month for Resource Works
June looks to be busy for your executive team, and a glance at the calendar reminds us there are many events coming up that will help us to get the word out about the cause.
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Natural gas mission to Ottawa has set the bar high
New Canadian leads convoy to Ottawa with a clear message on LNG
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A testing time for pipeline twinning project
What does it look like when a major infrastructure project is hardened in the crucible of years of intense public scrutiny?
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Media Guide to Trans Mountain Expansion Project decision
For journalists covering the Trans Mountain Expansion Project decision on May 19, 2016 we've put together this handy guide to key topics likely to come up.
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Mayors get a look inside British Columbia's "engine room" region
Here's what happened when British Columbia mayors visited Fort St. John, the heart of the province's most resource-rich region.
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Malaysian LNG motto: "Staying the course"
"Canadian shale gas investment not a mistake": That's the message this week from new CEO of the Malaysian energy company that is behind the largest-ever project planned for British Columbia.
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Forget "and-or" in energy transitions, it's time to talk about "and-more"
The road to transitioning British Columbia and Canada to a lower-carbon economy will have bumps, roadblocks and many twists and turns that we may not even be able to see today.
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How LNG can help us win the climate war
LNG promises a way to lower CO2 reductions for Asian nations heavily dependent on coal - and that is why so many countries are beating a path to Canada's door.
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Finding balance is crucial to a greener future in British Columbia
Happy Earth Day. Earth Day can be a day to honour the precious gift that is our planet. Often, however, it is also an occasion to lament, or at least feel guilty about, the way we use it.
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Earth Day: A time for important questions
There is no question of the importance of natural resources in the BC economy. They are as much as 37.4% of total activity. But what about an equally pressing question: How well are we treating Mother Earth while earning our living on the land?
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Use more natural gas, urges Conference Board of Canada environment report card
British Columbia ranks third highest among the provinces in new report card, and when compared to non-resource nations its energy habits could be improved.
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While noisemaking descends on Ottawa, First Nations pursue quiet work on West Coast
Chiefs of five key Tsimshian nations are insisting on "respectful consultation and engagement" rather than PR stunts in assessing a major LNG project, but sadly that is not what we are seeing.
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